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Vieux 19/01/2009, 20h27
Avatar de jagermeister
jagermeister jagermeister est déconnecté
Serial cosnois
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Chez moi
Messages: 6 862
Par défaut Patch Armageddon 1.3

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Liste des changements

#### Code changes

- Purged Ghost fleet.
- Exported pure sub fleets detection modifier, extra org and strenght damage to misc file.
- Fixed No leaders of annexed and liberated countries.
- Added "Dormant_teams" code.
- Dormant_leaders, Dormant_Ministers and Dormant_teams are now global lists. Once slept they won’t resurrect after annex/release.
- Leaders of annexed countries with new traits, rank or experience are saved and restored on country release.
- Military controlled Leaders manually promoted, will no longer be Auto demoted.
- Fixed "wakeleader" command.
- Fixed "delete_unit" command, it now works with -2 & -3 for Sea and Air units.
- Fixed "under_attack" event trigger.
- Fixed "difficulty" event trigger.
- Added "escortpool" event trigger.
- "upgrading = X" and "reinforcements = X" AI file parameters are now binding.
- Units under bombardment cannot be redeployed anymore.
- Amphibious Assaults can now only be initiated by amphibious assault order.
- Amphibious Assaults can now be cancelled.
- Airborne Assault mission efficiency is no longer reversed.
- Naval mission efficiency for No Mission fixed from +10% to 0%.
- ASW mission is now able to detect all submarines no matter what missions subs are on.
- "Convoy_defence" efficiency now has effect on convoy detection, protection and damage done to raiding fleets.
- CVL's no longer teleports Capitals into firing range of enemy taskforces.
- Combats with military controlled forces now displayed in active combat list.
- Fixed issues with Military controlled units swapping country on annexation.
- Units should no longer get transferred back to capital when trading provinces to allies.
- Moved a +30% Urban combat modifier to modifiers.csv file.
- Partisan reduction now accepts fractions.
- Fixed a CTD when viewing units loading onto transports.
- Fixed some issues with mission clock.
- TC load increases from multiple undeployed bases from the same serial build.
- Bought ships, arrive with same strength as sold.
- Bought units now upgrade with buyers tech progress.
- Fixed issues with Manpower cost for Naval Attachments.
- Fixed issues with save games for Naval attachments.
- Fixed issues with Naval attachments built together with ships.
- Naval attachments are now only upgradeable in Naval bases.
- Do not upgrade button added to ships.
- Fixed issues with detaching and reattaching brigades in allied controlled provinces.
- Fixed issues with terrain combat bonus for Jungle Rat and Desert Fox.
- Added Movement bonus to units with leaders with appropriate terrain traits
- Fixed bonus from combat event trait.
- Bonus from gained traits now removed if leader are over command limit.
- Terrain trait leader bonus now included in the displayed terrain combat modifiers in battle tooltip.
- All leaders in command of units, now has preference on Auto promotion.
- Disabled changing mission orders for air units in combat.
- Disabled reorganization button for Air and Naval units during combat.
- Removed transporting paratroopers exploit.
- Escort fighters reduces range of bombers.
- Escort fighter stats are now added to bomber stats in production screen.
- Cags now has CAG tooltip entry.
- Added all intell missions in the F10 message options & Added "Intelligence" header.
- Fixed issues with Intell mission messages.
- Fixed -10% Leader bonus for the Flamboyant Though guy minister trait.
- Fixed bug in Army Aviation minister bonus.
- Fixed bug in Air supremacy minister bonus.
- Changed bonus for chance to succeed with a "coup" attempt to 4 ministers.
- Added various missing modifiers to Ministers tool tips.
- Removed a few unused modifiers from minister tool tips.
- Division Icons now correctly shown in production page.
- Division upgrades percentage shown correctly in F6 statistic page.
- "Free Manpower" command is now shown correctly with fractions.
- "Set_domestic" and "domestic" commands now have correct separate event text.
- "supplied for an offensive for X days" are now shown correctly in all screens.
- Added CVL modifiers on F6 statistic page.
- Reworked Technology overview page.
- Added separate string for Area Georgia in Caucasus.
- Fixed issue with too long text for "we do not want exp forces from country.." diplomacy window.
- Alien carriers now has Cags.
- Fixed Tech Team Takeover bug on liberating country.
- Added 30 convoy transports and 10 convoy escorts to released countries.
- Added 10% dissent hit on breaking a peace treaty.
- Added Missing 10% bonus on supply production from Resigned Generalissimo
- AI can assassinate ministers, Coup nations and Fund Partisans
- Fixed a bug with convoys at Civil war start
- Fixed rare bug with units getting into Multiple land battles.
- Fixed issues with province buildings entries in INC files set to 0, was changed to 0.0010 on 2 save and reload cycle.
– AI will put exceeding IC on CG production instead of wasting it
- Fixed a bug with convoys from overseas puppets with landlocked capitals
- Fixed a bug with bombers on Port Strike mission
- Naval brigade attachments can upgrade only at naval base now
- Fixed a CTD bug on switching alliance
- New AI modifiers to misc.txt for Influence missions and diplomatic mission cost
- NOFOG cheat reveals full intelligence information
- Save game file format has been optimized.

### Reworked spy system

- Removed Send spy and Counter Intelligence missions.
- Added Increase/decrease Intelligence Funding (up to 20th levels). Has daily upkeep similar to research.
- Countries have Domestic and Foreign Intelligence efficiency's dependent on various variables.
- Added Encrypt/Decrypt lvl's, IC, Distance, Dissent, Open/Closed Policy and interventionism effects for cost and chances to Intelligence.
- Added Intell modifier from db\difficulty.txt to intelligence.
- AI cannot make multiple missions in same country anymore.
- Spy Prefferences for home country in AI files are used to set minimum chance to succeed for AI to attempt this mission.
- NumberOfSpies are now only used for home country in spy preffs to set maximum intell lvl the AI will attempt to achieve.
- Fixed a CTD in fund partisan mission, if country had no provinces left.
- Fixed issues with Fund Partisans mission.
- Fixed issues with coup intell mission (threaties cancellation).
- Fixed missing name for delay production in case of province or serials builds.
- Fixed typo in code for Intell reports on enemy planes.
- Dissent in target are now required to be able to coup a country.
- Exported IC, Distance effects to spy_cost.txt file.
- Exported time delay between missions and Increase Intelligence lvl to misc file.
- Exported daily upkeep of intelligence lvl to spy_cost.txt file
- Exported relationships hit for detected initiator to misc.txt
- Spy Networks operates with 0% efficiency if lacking money.
- AI switching will replace all AI spyprefs

### AI files CHANGES

- Added missing Spyprefs to 1945 AI files.
- ARG & POR AI files, Changed landdoctrine research ID's, From Grand Battleplan to Superior Firepower.
- Added more country specific spyprefs to various countries.
- Fixed a typo in a Japanese switch AI file from AUS to AST


- Boostertxt is now translated to Italian and Spanish (Kudos Mordred & Fernando Torres)
- "Elastic defense specialist" now has entries for all supported languages.
- Fixed the LEADTR_XXX strings, so they correctly states that a "leader has gained a trait".
- Reworked Intelligence messages.
- Changed entry "EE_HQ_COMBAT_EVENT_CHANCE" So it correctly states percentage is additive.
- Fixed typo in "EE_NUKE_PROD" string
- Fixed typo in TECH_APP_ND_27 string


- Set all expire dates to 1964 in Revolt.txt file. Fixed a few typos in SAR, CHI, CHC, MLY, YUG & MEN entries.
- Changed deathdate for all remaining appropriate events to 1964
- Fixed wrong port sea zone connections in a few provinces.
- Monthly Nationalism reduction set to 0.1250
- Escort fighter manpower reduced from 1.0 to 0.33
- Mechanized infantry: Fixed typos in last two models toughness stats from 37 & 42 to 42 & 47.
- anti_tank, fixed typos in supply consumption for last two models from 0.5 to 0.2
- Fixed remaining typos in Naval attachments.
- Leader files are reworked for Armageddon and Abyss campaigns to avoid duplicate leaders.
- Many Techteam names reworked to match new team pictures in Armageddon.
- Fixed reversed models for Modern & Nuclear Carriers.
- Reverted back to Armageddon 1.1 Values for experience and fort combat modifiers
- Chance to get combat event trait is slightly increased.


- Changed deathdate for all remaining appropriate events to end 1964
- Removed sleep commands for ministers that do not die in election & Coup events. Fixes problems with all versions of ministers get slept.
- Added trigger to check if ministers is alive and not already assassinated in all minister death events.
- Swapped Install minister and sleep minister commands in all death events. Fixes duplicate dissent hit in online MP games.
- Changed "Minister" trigger to "incabinet", "headofstate" or "headofgoverment" in several events where appropriate.
- Fixed Japan Manpower event chain. Japan now gets correct amount of MP.
- AI_DOM.txt: Event 33700, fixed "country = PAN" to "country = DOM".
- AI_FIN.txt: Event 32000, fixed trigger from Japanese M.O.S. to Finish "NOT = { minister = 29114 } # Johan W. Rangell"
- AI_ITA.txt: Changed Minister of Armament event to use Guido Jung instead of Mussolini.
- AI_POL.txt: Event 36950, fixed install minister command from Persian Chief of Air to correct Polish Chief of air.
- AI_hun.txt: Event 32261, Ai Hungary will always give YUG province to AI Germany, prevents the bug where AI Germany gets its forces stuck in Balkans.
- AI_Reactive.txt: Event 200000, "disable the no naval bomber". Fixed wrong event ID in sleepevent command
- AI_revolters.txt: Event 15077, fixed typo "country = USA" to "country = CAN"
- germany.txt: Event 2034, fixed trigger conditions, to avoid SCW victory event triggers under wrong conditions.
- Japan.txt: Changed the setup Mengchuko event chain, so Japanese troops no longer gets redeployed to Tokyo.
- siam.txt: Event 3813, Changed so no country gains military access and still is at war with Siam.
- USSR.txt: Event 2625 & 2646, fixed issue with Memel staying Soviet in BP event.
- USSR.txt: Event 2627, Added trigger "NOT = { alliance = { country = SOV country = GER } }" Prevents the finish Winter war, making peace between allies and Germany, in case of unholy alliance.
- hoi2.txt: Event 66, fixed event to correctly cede provinces to Germany or Italy depending on who controls them. Added some missing provinces to cede list.
- hoi2.txt: Event 90, fixed leader ID's from 50010 to 50011 to sleep correct leader in Xian event, added sleep command for Yang Hucheng(50340).
- hoi2.txt: Added events id = 919191, 919192, 919193, 919194 & 919195 fix for Xian/unified front event (Kudos CyrusSpitama)
- hoi2.txt: Fixed some province issues with Italian Surrender event chain.
- death_events.txt: Event 383, Fixed wrong leader ID "leader = 24095" to "leader = 380022" So it sleeps the Vichy version of Huntziger.
- doomsday_death_events.txt: Event 442, fixed install minister command. Installs minister "18185" instead of unavailable minister "18183"
- armageddon_events.txt: Event 700001, 700002 & 700003, Added trigger commands to prevent them to trigger under wrong circumstances.
- armageddon_death.txt: Event 500001, Removed command Hubert Humphrey as HOG command. USA had no VP from 1963 to 1965. LBJ where both HOS & HOG.
- armageddon_death.txt: Event 500004 & 500005 Changed date to Sept. 1959 in Vincent Massey resignation events, it where 1952.
- armageddon_elections.txt: Event 600000 & 600001, Fixed wrong HOG's in action_b
- nationalist_china.txt: Event 3819, Added missing sleep commands for Falkenhausen, Chennault & Khryukin
- vichy_france.txt: Event 4003, Fixed location for "1ère Corps d'Afrique" from Prov. 932 (Italian Tripoli) to Prov 949 Algiers.
- vichy_new.txt: Event 992, 994 & 995, fixed typos in policyslider commands.
- vichy_new.txt: Event 100003, Added a peace command with Italy. Fixes issue with Iraq being at war with Italy and at the same time grant access to Italy.


- Added the last missing unique counters (with roundels) (kudos Ayestheni!)
- Added a new hoi_counter_strip.bmp, shows Airroundels correctly. (Kudos Fernando Torres)
- Fixed ghostlike sprites bugs
- Added various missing or wrong leaders, ministers & Techteam pictures.
- Fixed isues with nuclear submarine illustrations
- Adjusted technology backgrounds and tech panels in technology screens


- Fixed CTD bug in The Dardanelles & Izmir blockable strait entry.
- Moved Bonin Trench(2196) to Philippine sea from Mid Pacific Mountains and Ryukyu Trench(2184) to Ryukyus from Philippine sea.
- Added a New navaldist.tbl file. Fixes some issues with naval distances


- Reintroduced the double nuke production command for nuclear techs.
- Deleted remaining Brigade combat modifiers in Air doctrines and Land doctrines. Brigades can’t have combat modifiers
- Added missing Divisions combat modifiers in Air doctrines & Land doctrines.


- Added Belgian and Dutch surrender events id = 25060 & 25066 to event history in 1941 & 1944 GC.
- Added SCW win events 3108, 3901, 2803 & 2662 to sleepevent list in 1941 & 1944 GC
- SPA: Added missing "dormant_leaders = { 3413 3416 3427 3455 3466 3492 3493 3494 }" in 1939, 1941, 1944 & 1945 GC.
- SIK: Fixed cabinet minister of security from 72033 to 72035. 72033 is a minister of armament. In 1938, 1939, 1941, 1944, 1945 GC,
- SOV: Added Vlassov ID= 10363 to dormant leaders list. in 1944 & 1945 GC.

# 1936
- 1936.eug: Deleted duplicate POL entry in selectable country's list, Fixes CTD if selecting POL, after it has been annexed
- MON & SCH: Fixed error where they had relation to themselves, instead of to SOV.
- PHI: Added missing Transports = 50 entry.

# 1938
- 1938.eug: Added event 3107 Ceding of overseas provinces to SPA, to event History.
- Added missing tech 2320 to techapps in some minors INC files
- Added missing tech 6210 to techapps in two China-warlords INC files.
- BOL: Fixed wrong Cabinet minister of armament from 43095 to 43004 & Chief of navy from 43009 to 43195. Both 43009 & 43095 are Dormant
- BUL: Removed minister ID 19006 & 19007 from dormant list. They should not be dormant before 1943 & 1945.
- CHI: Added Dormant_teams entry
- COL: Fixed wrong Cabinet HOMI, from 37005 to 37096. 37005 are dormant.
- CSX: Moved Capital from province 1225 to province 1272. 1225 is controlled by Japan.
- CUB: Fixed wrong Cabinet Foreign minister from 33050 to 33046. 33050 are dormant.
- MAN: Added Early AT tech 2400 to techapps. Fixes the issue where Manchukuo AI builds armored car brigades, which it can’t supply with oil.
- JAP: Added tech 12110. To match 1936 & 1939 setup.
- JAP & CHI: Removed province 1219 from JAP owned list, added it to CHI
- SOV: Fixed wrong SOV GDE from 0.8 to 0.2
- ROM: Added minister ID {22007 22041 22057 22082} to dormant list and swapped the cabinet COS to correct minister 22124.

# 1939
- 1939.eug: Added German & Soviet SCW events to history/sleepevent list.
- GER: Imported missing Aus & CZE airbases & Antiaircraft guns.
- Added Dormant_teams entries
- JAP & CHI: Removed province 1219 from JAP owned list, added it to CHI
- ROM: Changed sliders to democratic = 6 & Political_left = 5, so country ideology and cabinet ministers ideology matches.
- SLO: Imported missing CZE airbases & Antiaircraft guns.
- spa: Fixed typo in techapps from 5070 to 5060

# 1941
- 1941.eug: Added German SCW event 2034 to event history
- 1941.eug: Removed setup Croatia events 2031 & 2032 from event history. Croatia is not setup yet.
- ENG & ITA: Removed province 919, Tobruk from ENG owned province list added it to ITA
- Added Dormant_teams entries
- FRA: Added missing Airbase and AA in Brazzaville (1075) from event 2800

# 1944
- 1944.eug: Added event 700002 to sleepevent list. Event Messes up Cabinet if HOL is released.
- Added missing tech id 14000 GW Hospital to several countries missing it. They have 14010.
- Added Dormant_teams entries
- CRO: Added missing free resources from Croatia event 2032.
- GER: Removed tech id 7280 impr. Turbojet CAG.
- USA: Removed tech id 7280 impr. Turbojet CAG. Removed duplicate Panama Canal force
- HUN: Removed tech id 1150 Marines

# 1945
- BRA: Fixed error in strength parameter in a Division from 1 to 100.
- CUB: Fixed two wrong Cabinet ministers, id's 33082 and 33092. MOS and HOMI where swapped
- ENG: Added a few missing id's {1119, 1131, 1140, 1162} to dormant_ministers section, all died or retired before 1945.
- ENG: Added missing inventions events 8001 & 8010 in inventions list.
- ENG: Fixed landfort = 22 to landfort = 10 for province 348 Gibraltar
- FRA: Added Dormant_teams = { } Parameter
- USA: Removed tech id 7280 impr. Turbojet CAG
- Added Dormant_teams entries.

# Battle scenarios
- Changed some unit names from English to Country specific language names.
- Removed some CAGS from CVL's
- Changed some Carriers to correct models
- Changed some CV's to CVL's
My name is Jag.

Réponse avec citation
Vieux 20/01/2009, 13h14
Avatar de jagermeister
jagermeister jagermeister est déconnecté
Serial cosnois
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: Chez moi
Messages: 6 862
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Envoyé par SeNTEnZa Voir le message
c'est con je venais de redemarrer une grande campagne alors que je n'avais pas touché au bazar depuis plus d'un an.
Sur la vanilla ?

P'tit joueur.
My name is Jag.

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Vieux 20/01/2009, 16h13
Avatar de LUCIFER
LUCIFER LUCIFER est déconnecté
Honorable posteur
Date d'inscription: décembre 2005
Messages: 652
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Envoyé par SeNTEnZa Voir le message
oui oiu je sais, mais pas au point quand meme de me faire prendre la sicile en 41 ...
Ne lui dis pas cela.
Il joue dans une GPO où l'italien s'est fait prendre Rome en 39
Ne tapotez pas.
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